Rural Sewage Treatment System


United States, Rockfield, Indiana


Wieser Concrete Products

The Situation:

As a small town, Rockfield needed a central sewage system for their city. As a rural town, having a population of 400 plus for the entire county in which Rockfield is located, this system was the most economic and best choice for them to provide their citizens. Having a watertight system would provide them with an environmentally friendly and efficient central sewage system.

The Solution:

Septic Tanks from Wieser Concrete and sealants from Concrete Sealants Inc. came together to create a central sewage treatment system. CS-102 provided watertight seals for the septic joints. Together, the septic tanks and sealants provided Rockfield with an efficient sewage treatment system for their rural community.

Sealant Application:

  • Sewage Treatment System

ConSeal Products Used:

Applicable Industry Standards:

  • ASTM C-990