Sand Filter Treatment System


United States, Concrete Sealants, Inc. Manufacturing Facilities, Tipp City, Ohio


Hanson Pipe and Precast

The Situation:

A sand filter treatment system is required to properly treat sewage for an on-site wastewater treatment system. To prevent the potential of leakage into the surrounding environment, sealants were required to keep sewage in the filter during the installation of the sand filter.

The Solution:

CS-75, CS-102 and CS-231 were used to provide the required watertight seals. CS-75 Primer secured CS-231 Waterstop and CS-102 into their proper joint locations. CS-231 was used to seal the floor of the tank to the walls and CS-102 was used to seal the wall panels together.

Sealant Application:

  • Sewage Sand Filter

ConSeal Products Used:

Applicable Industry Standards:

  • ASTM C-990